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National Center for Mental Health visitsed Vanke School of Public Health

A delegation of eight officials led by Yao Hongwen, Director of the National Center for Mental Health (NCMH), and Jiang Wen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, visited Vanke School of Public Health and engaged in an open dialogue on April 27th. The meeting was attended by Dr. Margaret Chan, Founding Dean of VSPH, Liang Wannian, Executive Vice Dean of VSPH, and representatives of teachers and students from the school. The meeting was chaired by Chen Runsen, Assistant Professor of VSPH.


During the meeting, Liang Wannian extended a warm welcome to the delegation from NCMH and provided a detailed introduction to the construction plan of VSPH, as well as the progress made by the school in talent cultivation, discipline construction, scientific research, team building, international cooperation, and exchange over the past three years. Yao Hongwen briefly introduced the relevant work carried out by NCMH since its establishment. He expressed the hope that through this research and exchange, NCMH would like to form greatest strength with all colleagues to actively promote the steady and positive development of mental health cause, and make joint efforts to achieve Chinese modernization.

Subsequently, Chen Rensen introduced the work of VSPH in the field of mental health. He also provided an outlook on future cooperation with NCMH. Jiang Wen briefly introduced the specific situation and cooperation content of the World Mental Health Report Translation and Promotion Project.

The participants had in-depth exchanges on platform construction, scientific research and teaching, talent cultivation, international cooperation, and related project cooperation.

Dr. Margaret Chan pointed out that mental health work is closely related to the development of all aspects of social life. The construction of China’s modern social mental health service system requires the joined forces from all the social sectors. To do a good job in mental health prevention, we need to further expand the service focus on key groups, especially children and adolescents and professional groups, improve the mental health service platform, and promote the level of professional service force. VSPH is willing to work with NCMH to build a communication platform for interdisciplinary practitioners in various related fields, where they can learn from each other, integrate and promote the innovative development of mental health cause in China.

Chen Jinqiu, Director of the Education Development Center and Academic Research Director of VSPH, and approximately 20 VSPH faculty and student representatives participated in the meeting.