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Full-time Faculty Distinguished Professor
John S. Ji

John S. Ji

Associate Professor

Tsinghua University Vanke School of Public Health

John S. Ji is an Associate Professor at Tsinghua University Vanke School of Public Health. His research in environmental epidemiology focuses on the effects of green spaces, air pollution, non-optimal temperature, and the built environment on health through population studies. He has authored over 150 peer-reviewed journal articles, featured in journals such as Environmental Health Perspectives, The Lancet Planetary Health, International Journal of Epidemiology, and Nature Medicine. John led a Lancet series on climate change and health adaptation in the Western Pacific region, aiming to influence local policies to enhance climate resilience and adaptation strategies. He is listed among the top 2% of scientists by Stanford/Elsevier.

John serves as an Associate Editor for The BMJ, leading a collection on large-scale cohort studies focused on shaping the future of epidemiological research in China. He is also a member of the Advisory Board for The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific and formerly a Senior Editor at The Lancet. John is a councilor for the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) Asia Western Pacific Chapter and a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Climate Health Ethics.

Previously, John was an Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the iMEP program at Duke Kunshan University, with a secondary appointment at Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment. He received his BA in Neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University and an ScM in Epidemiology and ScD in Environmental Health from the Harvard School of Public Health.

At Tsinghua University, John teaches a required course on public health research methods and an elective course on cohort study design. He is currently launching a new course on planetary health. He advises doctoral, MPH, and iMPH students.


Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Neuroscience, 2004-2008, Johns Hopkins University  

Master of Science (ScM) in Epidemiology, 2008-2010, Harvard School of Public Health  

Doctor of Science (ScD) in Environmental Health, 2010-2013, Harvard School of Public Health  


Cohort Studies: Applied Epidemiology

Public Health Research Methods

Planetary Health

Editorial Roles

The BMJ, Associate Editor

The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific, International Advisory Board Member

The Lancet, former Senior Editor

Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, Editorial Board

Affiliated Positions

World Health Organization (WHO), Technical Advisory Group Climate Health Ethics

International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Asia Western Pacific Chapter, Councilor

Affiliated Associate Professor, University of Washington

Adjunct Associate Professor, Duke Kunshan University

Adjunct Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Original Research

1. Nature Medicine (2024), selected as Journal Cover

"Risk factors associated with heatwave mortality in Chinese adults over 65 years."

Article: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02880-4

Linked commentary: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-024-02919-6

2. The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific (2023), selected as Journal Cover

"China’s public health initiatives for climate change adaptation."

Article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100965

Series: https://www.thelancet.com/series/western-pacific-climate-change-adaptation

Linked editorial: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100981

3. The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific (2022), selected as Journal Cover

"Interaction between plant-based dietary pattern and air pollution on cognitive function: a prospective cohort analysis of Chinese older adults."

Article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanwpc.2021.100372

Research feature: https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/info/1418/11783.htm

4. International Journal of Epidemiology (2021)

"Solid fuel use, socioeconomic indicators and risk of cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality: a prospective cohort study in a rural area of Sichuan, China."

Article: https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyab191

Linked blog: https://ije-blog.com/2021/10/12/could-biomass-fuel-use-perpetuate-the-poverty-trap-through-cardiovascular-disease-and-all-cause-mortality/

5. The Lancet Planetary Health (2020)

"Interaction between Residential Greenness and Air Pollution Mortality: Analysis of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS)."

Article: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(20)30027-9

6. The Lancet Planetary Health (2019)

"Residential Greenness and Mortality in a Cohort of Oldest-Old Women and Men in China."

Article: https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30264-X


1. Nature Medicine (2023)

"Building resilience in heatwaves."


2. The Lancet Public Health (2022)

"Air pollution and cardiovascular disease onset: hours, days, or years?"


3. The Lancet Regional Health–Western Pacific (2022)

“Heatwave sears China: Need for actionable climate change adaptation to protect public health’


4. JAMA Network Open (2021)

"Megacity, Microscale Livable Space, and Major Depression."


5. The Lancet Public Health (2019)

"Time for Health to Enter China’s Climate Action Framework."


6. The Lancet Public Health (2018)

"China’s Air Pollution and Ageing Society."









