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Full-time Faculty Distinguished Professor

Yi ZHANG, dr, Assistant Professor, PhD mentor.

Research area: health law, human rights law and regulatory science.

Dr Zhang is a member of the expert panel on the drafting of the Vaccine Administration Law, a member of the expert panel on the amendment and improvement of the Law on Infectious Disease Prevention and Control and a member of the expert panel on the amendment of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Drug Administration Law.


2013.112018.05 PhD - Faculty of Law, University of Groningen (the Netherlands)


2022.08current  Assistant Professor, Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University

2018.092022.07  Postdoctoral Researcher, Law School, Tsinghua University

2017.112018.05 Researcher, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen (the Netherlands)

Research Interests

1. Public health law and governance

2. Human rights law, the right to health

3. Regulatory science

Membership and Experiences

Member, Drug Governance Committee, China Society for Drug Regulation

Researcher, Global Health Law Groningen Research Center, University of Groningen

Member, European Scientific Network on Law and Tobacco

Member, Netherlands Network For Human Rights Research

Editorial board member and secretary, Groningen Journal of International Law, Netherlands (2015-2016)

Editor in chief, Global Health Law Groningen Blog, Netherlands (2014-2016)


Postdoctoral researcher with distinction, Law School, Tsinghua University (2022)

PhD cum Laude, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen, the Netherlands (2018)

Postdoctoral International Exchange Program of the China National Postdoctoral Council (2019)

Tsinghua University Postdoctoral Fellowship (2018)

Research Projects

1. National Social Science Fund of China——Legal Responses to the Governance Dilemma of Global Public Health (2020, PI, in process)

2. National Social Science Fund of China——Research on the Legal Framework of the Prevention and Control of Severe Health Emergency (2020, investigator, in process)

3. National Social Science Fund of China——Challenges imposed by Cutting-edge Medical Technology on Criminal Law and the Legal Responses Legal Responses (2017, investigator, finished)

4. The Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC——Legal Responses to Public Health Emergencies (2022, CO-PI, in process)

5. Chinese Academy of Engineering——The Social Supporting System of Public Health (2022, investigator, in process)

6. National Health Commission——Policy on *** (2022, PI, in process)

7. National Health Commission——International Cooperation on Digital Health (2022, PI, in process)

8. Chinese Academy of Engineering——Policy and Regulation Study on *** (2021, CO-PI, finished)

9. State Administration for Market Regulation——Policy Study on Drug Safety Regulation during the 14th Five-year Plan Period (2021, CO-PI, finished)

10. Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the NPC——Third-party Evaluation on the Amendment of the Law on Infectious Disease Prevention and Control (2020, investigator, finished)

11. National Health Commission——Study on the Construction of Public Health Law System (2020, CO-PI, finished)

12. National Health Commission——Research on the Legal Issues regarding the Clinical Use of Drugs (Vaccines) in Severe Health Emergencies (2020, CO-PI, finished)

13. Beijing Municipal Health Commission——Plan for Regulations of Beijing Municipal on Basic Medical and Health Care and Health Promotion (2019, CO-PI, finished)

14. National Health Commission——Analysis and Interpretation of the Law on Basic Medical and Health Care and Health Promotion (2019, CO-PI, finished)

15. National Medical Products Administration——Research on the Capacity Building in Local Medical Products Administrations (2019, CO-PI, finished)

16. National Medical Products Administration——The Impact of 5G Technology on Drug Smart Regulation (2019, PI, finished)

17. National Medical Products Administration——Study on the Theoretical Framework and Provisions of the Vaccine Administration Law (2018, CO-PI, finished)

Selected publications

1. Two co-authored advisory reports obtained important comments from the leaders of the central government; three co-authored advisory reports obtained important comments from the of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the National People’s Congress, the National Medical Products Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. Zhang Y, Advancing the Right to Health Care - Towards Accountability (Intersentia 2019).

3. Wang C, Zhang Y, ‘Common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities as a guiding principle in international health law in times of pandemics’ in M Heijer and H Wilt (eds), Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2020 (Springer 2022).

4. Wang C, Zhang Y, ‘Internet Plus Health Care’ as an impetus for China’s health System Reform’. Harvard Petrie-Flom Center Annual Conference - Diagnosing in the Home (virtual 2022).

5. Zhang Y, ‘Exploring the role of ASEAN in fostering human rights approaches to tobacco control in Asia’ in Gispen ME and Toebes BCA (eds), Human Rights and Tobacco Control (Edward Elgar Publishing 2020).

6. Zhang Y, ‘The media’s role in ensuring social accountability for the right to health in China’ in Hesselman MME et al. (eds), Socio-Economic Human Rights in Essential Public Services Provision (Routledge 2017).

7. Zhang Y, ‘Why Sanming Model becomes the chosen one? Assessing China’s new approach towards improving access to health care - from a human rights perspective’. 6th Annual Conference of European Association of Health Law (Norway 2017).

8. Zinzombe SP, Catalán EA, Lane L and Zhang Y, Human rights-based approaches and domestic legal responses to NCDs: lessons learned, International Development Law OrganizationThe Hague 2016).

9. Liu J, Zhang Y, He Q, ‘Advancing governance through better institutions - the path to strengthening local drug regulatory capacity’ (2022) 08 Chinese Public Administration 157.

10. Wang C, Zhang Y, ‘The prevention and control of COVID-19 and the innovation of human rights theory’ (2022) 02 Law-Based Society 26.

11. Zhang Y, ‘Current situation and development path of health law in Europe’ (2021) 04 China Health Law 92.

12. Zhang Y, Wang C, et al., ‘The examination and improvement of China's epidemic containment and material supplies mechanisms - Taking the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak as an example’ (2021) 01 Chinese Hospitals 21.

13. Wang C, Zhang Y,Functions and Main Content of the Law on Basic Medical and Health Care and of Health Promotion’ (2020) 02 China Health Law 1.

14. Zhang Y, Wang C, ‘The rise of regulatory science and its impact on national drug administration’ (2019) 07 China Food and Drug Administration 21.

15. Contribution to edited book in National Health Commission (eds) Expert Interpretation on Law of the People’s Republic of China on Basic Medical and Health Care and of Health Promotion (China Population Publishing House 2021).

16. Contribution to edited book in Cao Y, Wang C and Su Y(eds), The Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in National Governance System - Current Situations, Problems and Improvement (Research Publishing House of China Publishing Group Corp 2020).