Mood Disorders: Epidemiology, Psychopathology and Psychological Interventions
【Speaker】Runsen Chen, Ph.D
China National Clinical Research Center on Mental Disorders
【Host】AiZhao, Ph.D.
【Time】Dec5.10-11 am
【Venue】TencentMeeting(ID:337 753 248)
Mood disorders are a global public health problem because of their high prevalence, chronicity, and recurrence throughout the lifespan as well as increased risk of mortality. In this seminar, Dr. Chen will present on the epidemiology, psychopathology and psychological intervention studies of mood disorders, including 1) the effectiveness of brief psychoeducation intervention in patients with bipolar disorder; 2) the neural correlates of emotional processing in depression; 3) epidemiology of mood problems in different populations, such as school adolescents, sexual and gender minorities, and general population under the COVID-19 pandemic.
【Speaker Bio】
Dr. Runsen Chen is an adjunct Principal Investigator of the China National Clinical Research Center on Mental Disorders (The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University). He received his doctoral degree from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford. His research interests are psychiatric epidemiology, psychopathology and clinical psychology, with focuses on mood disorders, self-harm, suicide and gender dysphoria. He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles as first/co-first or corresponding author. He is on the editorial broad of Bipolar Disorders, BMC Psychiatry, and acts as a guest editor at Globalization and Health for the Special collection “Mental health impacts of COVID-19”.
【Host Bio】
Ai Zhao,Ph.D., asisstant professor, doctoral supervisor.
Maternal and Child Nutrition,Nutrition and Chronic Disease, Nutritional Epidemiology, Global Nutrition
Research Projects (Selected)
1. Bioavailability of docosahexaenoic acid from different region and stereo-isomeric positions of triglyceride in SD rats with insufficient intake of n-3 PUFA and its effects in BNDF related genes regulating, Funded by NSFC
2. Birth Cohort:Maternal and Infants’ Nutrition and Health Study
3. Effects of early Nutrition on Infants Gut Microbiota: Mediation Effects of Breast Milk
4. Transition of Nutrition and dietary behaviors in COVID-19 Pandemic
5. Children and Maternal Nutrition Survey in Myanmar