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Dr. Diana Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Ugandan Ministry of Health visits VSPH

On September 5, Dr. Diana Atwine, Permanent Secretary of the Uganda Ministry of Health, visited Tsinghua Vanke School of Public Health (VSPH), accompanied by Mr. Joshua Musasizi, Senior Technical Advisor. During the visit, a fruitful discussion regarding future communication and collaboration was conducted. Dr. Margaret Chan, Dean of VSPH, and Prof. WANG Kaibo, Vice Dean of VSPH, attended the discussion. Prof. TANG Kun, Associate Professor at VSPH, participated as the moderator.


Dean Margaret Chan extended a warm welcome to Dr. Diana Atwine and her delegation, highlighting the deep and enduring friendship between China and Uganda, particularly in the field of public health and healthcare. Dr. Chan expressed her hope that this exchange would pave the way for further opportunities in public health cooperation between China and Uganda, with a focus on scientific research and innovative solutions.

Prof. WANG Kaibo provided an overview of the school's history, development and accomplishments over the past three years. He highlighted the significance of VSPH’s International Master of Public Health (IMPH) program and its vibrant research network. Prof. Wang mentioned that the IMPH program has been in operation for nearly 10 years, educating over 160 students from more than 40 countries. Its impactful outcomes reflect that the school is committed to cultivate students' international perspectives and global competence to meet the demands of the new era for public health professionals.

Dr. Atwine highly commended the substantial achievements of VSPH and expressed Uganda Ministry of Health’s keen interest in drawing from China's experiences in the health fields. She extended the desire for collaboration with the school in various areas, including maternal health, malaria prevention and control, infectious disease prevention and control, mental health, talent development, among other focus areas.

During the discussion, Prof. TANG Kun also introduced his main research areas and ongoing research projects in Uganda and other African countries to Dr. Atwine and her delegation.

Both parties deepened mutual understanding and the discussion has laid a solid foundation for future cooperation.