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    VSPH successfully holds the Student Overseas Practice Exchange and Sharing Event
    VSPH successfully holds the Student Overseas Practice Exchange and Sharing Event

    The VSPH Student Overseas Practice Exchange and Sharing Event, with the theme of "expanding international perspectives and enhancing global competence," was held on April 21st. Among the attendees were Director LIAO Ying and Deputy Director HUANG Cheng from the Center for Global Competence Development at Tsinghua University, alongside VSPH Dean Margaret Chan, Vice Dean WANG Kaibo, Assistant Dea...

  • VSPH-Global Summer School kicks-off

    On July 9, the 2022 Global Summer School of Vanke School of Public Health, Tsinghua University (VSPH-GSS 2022) themed Advancing Global Health in a Changing World commenced online. Seventy-eight students from China, Argentina, Australia, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru and other countries and regions gathered online to start their four-day adventure with Tsinghua V...

  • Tsinghua and Harvard to Collaborate for a Healthier Future

    Tsinghua Vanke School of Public Health and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health held a virtual MoU signing ceremony on December 2. Dean Margaret Chan of Tsinghua Vanke School of Public Health and Dean Michelle A. Williams of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, entered the agreement which outlines collaboration to advance global health security. Professor Yang Bin, the Vice President...

  • Exclusive: Chinese leader of WHO-China joint expert team says 2nd-stage probe should focus on earlier suspected cases around the world

    ​Editor's note: Three months after US President Joe Biden requested a more in-depth review of the origins of novel coronavirus, the US intelligence community released an unclassified report, which showed that the community was split on the origins and offered no conclusive answers.

  • Vanke School of Public Health Actively Participated in Boao 2nd GHF

    Themed "Health beyond Health - In the Year of Sustainable Development 2030" and with the goal of "Health for All" advocated by the United Nations and WHO, the 2nd Boao Forum for Asia Global Health Forum (GHF) was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province, from June 1 to 4 this year. Two plenary sessions and a number of sub-forums were held to explore "Universal Health Coverage", "Innovation for Health" and "Health in All Policies". The forum brought together scholars, dignitaries, and industry experts in the field of global health to exchange ideas on pressing issues.

  • Dr. Margaret Chan attends World Economic Forum Tackling Alzheimer's session

    The World Economic Forum virtual event "The Davos Agenda" was held from 25th to 29th January, 2021. The event mobilized the world’s top academics, politicians, business, youth, and civil society leaders to engage in addressing the most pressing issues on the global agenda.
