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比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)在第二届世界卫生健康论坛开幕式上的演讲

Hello everyone. I am honored to join you for this year’s Forum.


Thanks for inviting me, and for bringing so many leaders together to grapple with the big questions that face our planet today.


For two years now, we’ve been engaged in the biggest global health crisis in a century. COVID-19 has killed millions, disrupted economies, and plunged millions all over the world into increased poverty and hunger.  


We’ve made incredible progress on life-saving tools such as vaccines and therapeutics but we didn’t get them out to everyone in time.


This gap isn’t just unfair and it prolonged this pandemic, and it’s something we need to do better on in the future.


Moving forward, we need not only more capacity to make vaccines, we need better vaccines, and we need better health systems to help us deliver them quickly to more people. We also need stronger disease surveillance, especially in low- and middle-income countries. I think if we do the right things it’s possible to make COVID-19 the last global pandemic. But to do this we need effective global partnerships.


That’s why I’ve been very excited to see China step forward and take on a critical global leadership role


China has a proven track record in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and tackling public health threats at scale.


The recent malaria-free certification from the WHO – a huge milestone in the fight against this disease – is a great example. It’s also fantastic to see China “paying it forward” by working now to help eliminate malaria everywhere.


China has also made critical contributions to reducing COVID-19 vaccine inequity, through its support of COVAX and other channels, and China’s now stepping up to accelerate its reduction in emissions. And China is making efforts to foster global partnerships that are focused on inclusive development around the world.


I’m excited to see China working to bring the world together on these issues, as is the Gates Foundation. We stand ready to partner on issues like food security, seed innovation, COVID-19 response, future types of vaccines, and on development financing.


In fact, this year is the 15th anniversary of our foundation’s China office. Over that time, we have been proud to work with Chinese partners on goals such as combating infectious diseases including COVID, malaria, HIV, and TB; strengthening health systems in African countries, and ensuring that everyone can benefit from life-saving innovations.


Through these joint efforts, fewer people in China are suffering from TB, HIV and other infectious diseases, and more are getting access to improved health services.


Vaccines made in China—against Japanese Encephalitis, polio, HPV, and other diseases —have gained WHO approval and can now be used to fight these deadly diseases around the world.


We’ve funded Chinese scientists to use state-of-the-art technologies to develop TB treatments, antimalaria drugs, and new insecticides that prevent mosquito-borne diseases, all of which will benefit communities in need.


We’ve worked with Chinese engineers to trial the Omni Processor – a machine that turns human waste into safe drinking water while generating renewable energy. This will help reduce disease transmission by improving sanitary conditions.

我们还与中国工程师共同开展了 “万能处理器”(Omni Processor)的试点工作,这一新型技术可将人类粪便转化为安全的饮用水,同时产生清洁能源。该技术的普及将有助于改善环境卫生、减少疾病传播。

And with our support, public health professionals, researchers, and scientists from China, Africa, and elsewhere are strengthening disease surveillance systems and adapting China’s proven approaches to malaria control for African communities.


As a global philanthropic organization, we are strongly positioned to bring partners together from across sectors and national borders, and we are committed to supporting China in bringing more people together to achieve shared goals.


The problems we are working on together are challenging. But what we’ve already collectively achieved, working with many incredible individuals and organizations in China over the last 15 years, has given me hope that we are on the right track.


I am optimistic that by continuing to work together to support innovation and solve these challenges, we will be ready for the next potential pandemic. And we can build a healthier, fairer world for all.


Thank you.
